sâmbătă, 2 august 2014

Detox Diet for Summer

In the summer months, you can change your eating habits that you had before and that was an accumulation of fat that cause the increase in body weight and blood cholesterol levels. You can choose seasonal fruits and vegetables that are rich in trace elements and vitamins and have a beneficial effect on the body. Whether you are quite flexible and have a few extra pounds, the fact is that the body needs a detox diet to help cleanse and revitalize it. To this end, light coming diets, fruit and vegetables, which is tasty and also helps to hydrate the body.


Nutritionists recommend detox diets because some toxins accumulated in the body for a long time and so needed a few days to remove them and thus succeed person feel better. In general a body is loaded with too many toxins (and they are not removed effectively) get to suffer from certain health problems. Symptoms include fatigue, acne, cold extremities, digestive and intestinal disorders, stress, mood swings, irritability. 

The best diets are watermelon, cucumber and melon. They can be used by anyone, regardless of age. 
Persons wishing to detoxify the body can be prepared juices of these fruits (melon, watermelon, cucumber) in the mixture and the results will appear immediately. Also, combine cucumber with yogurt, which is also a very good food for the body. 

Yogurt is easier to digest than milk does not cause intestinal disorders has lactic acid bacteria which helps in proper functioning of intenstinului and maintain its health, detoxifying effect on the body, it helps to eliminate nitrites and nitrates (which are harmful to the body and can affect health). Nitrates can cause stomach cancer, gallbladder and lymphatic system. Also, yogurt increase immunity, helps the body to fight infections, stimulates the activity of white blood cells that are responsible for the immune system. White blood cells have particular physiological properties very important in defending the body against infections. They capture bacteria, dead cells and damaged and digest them intracellularly stop inflammatory reactions through detox (it is acidofilele are polynuclear leukocytes or white blood cells). White cells synthesize antibodies and thus provides immunity portejează body pathogens. Yogurt reduce vaginal infections by fighting bacteria, is a source of calcium (more than milk represents) has more protein and helps to lower blood cholesterol levels. 

Cucumber in combination with yogurt has a strong cleansing effect of the body. To achieve this recipe is porcedează: peel a cucumber and cut into thin slices, then wash with water a little dill and parsley connection; place the chopped ingredients in a blender and ground, add 250 ml natural yogurt with low fat and thus obtain a composition delicious diet that can be served immediately. The effect of the medication natural detoxification of the body is very strong, it serves for 4-5 days. Those who fail to eat only cucumber and yogurt and feeling hungry, can also serve fish cooked meat, cottage cheese 2-3 green apples a day. 

Cantaloupe is very good for bowel cleansing, laxative effect helps to decrease the weight and fight obesity. If you are prepared juice melon pulp can be combined with tomato juice or apple proprorţii of 1:1:2, so the taste and the effect will be better. Melon improving mood, fatigue deleted, is a source of vitamins (B1, B2, C, PP, folic acid, carotene), phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, silicon, iron, potassium, etc.. 

Watermelon is refreshing body cleanser, easily digested, relieves fatigue, moisturize (it has 90% water), covered the loss of minerals from the body by sweating process which intensifies the heat of summer. 

Plain water also has an important role in detoxifying the body. It helps remove toxins and waste from the body, so it is necessary to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day.

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