marți, 5 august 2014

In the summer vitamins we need to keep our skin healthy?

Vitamins are very important for skin and hair and nails. It helps to protect them from the sun, for the purpose of preventing the premature aging due to exposure to UV radiation. First place is because Vitamin A keeps skin health and beauty. Sun drying effect of aging of the skin and its cells. To prevent the formation of wrinkles as the skin needs to be nourished and hydrated. Elasticity depends on how layers of skin health is maintained, its cell molecules. Sunlight effect to dry skin tissue components and thus destroy its appearance. Also, sun exposure leads to increased production of free radicals, which are toxic substances with negative effects on cells and thus produce their aging tissues and skin in general. The help comes diet rich in antioxidant vitamins role (important as vitamin C and E).


Vitamin A has a beneficial effect on skin and mucous membranes in the body. Those who do not eat foods rich in vitamin A and have a pretty big deficit, come to have dry skin, wrinkled, aging. This vitamin is in particular animal products, milk and cheese. Beta-carotene is converted by the body into vitamin A and occurs in plants, vegetables and fruits red or orange. It has strong antioxidant effect, helps to heal wounds, protect arteries and skin. It also helps in the treatment of acne, eczema, hipercheratozelor. Diet should include watermelon, apricots, broccoli, red peppers, lettuce, beetroot, red cabbage, blackberries, machetes, endives, carrots, asparagus, squash, tomatoes, spinach, mango. 

Vitamin E is very effective in protecting the skin from diseases caused by rays of the sun. It is widely used in sunscreens or cosmetics skin. It is a fat-soluble nutrient, so to be easily absorbed by the intestinal mucosa to be associated with fat. Vitamin E is found in vegetable oils, nuts, pistachios, hazelnuts, almond, avocado oil, sunflower oil, wheat germ oil, cabbage, egg, wheat germ. Generally cold-pressed oils are rich in vitamin E, have this nutrient in greater quantity than other vegetable oils. Vitamin E helps in quick healing of wounds, relieve inflammation of the skin. It is an ideal substance to combat premature skin aging caused by free radicals is called the vitamin of youth and beauty. Combat diseases and skin diseases, make skin smooth and elastic, helping to improve its appearance. Vitamin E deficiency leads to skin aging, a tired look with yellow spots, dry, inelastic. 

Vitamin C plays a role in collagen formation, thus maintaining skin health improves its appearance, provides elasticity. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps fight free radicals and prevent premature skin aging. The production of collagen, this vitamin is beneficial not only for the skin and hair, nails and other tissues. Found in cabbage, broccoli, citrus, raspberry, mango, strawberry, tomato, spinach, blackcurrant and red peppers, rose hips, parsley, horseradish, Loboda, dill, onions, blueberries, and more. Vitamin C is a major health has influence on the psyche, it is necessary to skin and eyes. Those who eat foods rich in vitamin C will have the skin more elastic, smoother, healthier because collagen production increases. It is not desirable to consume synthetic vitamins, it is better to change the diet. For example, a glass of orange juice is the daily requirement of vitamin C for the body.

sâmbătă, 2 august 2014

Walking by the sea helps you burn extra calories

We all know that walking is healthy. The benefits of walking are very high, especially since it helps in weight loss and stimulate blood circulation. Equally effective is walking by the sea, as it helps to burn extra calories, I really liked intensifies metabolism and gives you the opportunity to touch the feet of fine sand on the seabed, feeling small waves that hit the body skin.

Benefits stroll by the sea: 

The sea water has beneficial effects on the skin, it helps to tone and strengthen muscles. It enables you to do a lymphatic massage without you necessarily impose this. You stimulates lymphatic drainage, improves your blood circulation and, using salt water, which has a low temperature, the skin is toned and fat gradually reduced after several long walks through shallow water. Those who stay long in the water should know that this increases the skin's sensitivity to UV rays, so you tan faster. If you bathe in the sea at inappropriate times (between 11 and 17 when solar radiation is intense) can suffer from sunburn.


Seawater can be up to 28 degrees Celsius, and the body is generally 36-37 degrees Celsius. In summary, walking through water produces a cooling of the body and a reduction in the surface of the skin capillaries. This is why when you enter the water, feel the sensation, thrill ˝ disappears shortly (after you get used to the water temperature). When sea water is colder and there is feeling, goose bumps and chills shaking ˝ or large, need to get out of the water because any exaggeration is not good for the body. Intense shivering show a greater loss of heat from the body and therefore it is necessary to sit on the beach and get warm in the sun. 

Small sea waves massage the skin and provides wellbeing and relaxation. The fact that you have to hold buttress wave forces you to do a therapy that helps to balance. Water also improves skin appearance and get rid of cellulite. 
Walking by the sea is an excellent calming the nervous system, removes physical and mental tension, stress, anxiety and nervousness. 

Movement through the water makes you feel lighter, as if I take part of your body weight. Large bath helps to increase body strength. 

Metabolism is improved and overweight people can lose weight effectively, and this method offers the advantage of simultaneously entertain and relax in full. 
Those suffering from joint will be seen that this simple method, such pain is intense not soothed immediately. 

Walk in sea water and beach sand is very relaxing. People who go to sea fully enjoy the sea breeze and some seem never to tire of walking on wet sand on the seashore. 

Sea water strengthens the circulatory system, so are listed as many baths in the summer. It has many trace elements and minerals that help the body health. 

Walking through water has a beneficial effect on blood circulation. It also relaxes the muscles, ligaments, tendons, joints stiff. 

Seawater helps in the treatment of respiratory diseases, scratches and eczema of the skin, insect bites, osteoarthritis, psoriasis, itching, cellulite, acne and other skin disorders.

Mustard soothe sunburn

Did you know that mustard is an effective skin care product? Did you know that it is a true skin cream that relieves the symptoms of sunburn created surface, which has destroyed much skin? It is mustard meal and not one that has all kinds of spices for added flavor and taste.

Mustard has a number of ingredients that make it have good effect on the skin and smoothes its surface clean, îndepătează impurities, acne, blackheads, it helps the layers to breathe.


On hot summer days when the heat is high, use mustard to your skin care. People generally do not know what to choose (when you suffer from sunburn), use natural methods, grandmother ˝ or ointments prescribed by doctors. Of course, they will choose one of these methods depending on how serious the burn. Either way, the goal is to alleviate pain and relieve other symptoms caused by sunburn. One of the traditional methods very effective in the case of such injuries caused by the sun (which are not very severe) is based on mustard. Can not believe, however, a single layer of fresh mustard (no other condiments that can irritate the skin) is a method of relieving sunburn small superficial. 

Mustard has cleansing properties of the skin and relieving it. It is a very useful ingredient for skin care during summer months. 

Do not use mustard in large amounts, apply very little at first, thin layer on the skin. It is recommended to be mixed with other ingredients as effective in the treatment of skin, for example cream. This can provide a composition of 40 g of mustard oil and 250 g cream is spread on the skin and allowed to act for 20 minutes.

Another very good for skin preparation is made ​​from mustard and olive oil. It has beneficial effects on the skin, nourishes and gives a pleasant and smooth.

Mustard is effective in the relief of pain, redness and other symptoms of sunburn superficial inconvenience. Table mustard is applied, the quality, without any kind of spice, on the surface of the skin in a thin layer and is allowed to act. After a while, redness, and pain resulting from burns will disappear and the skin there will be formed no blistering.

Mustard properties are numerous and highly valued health professionals. It is an excellent aperitif as restores appetite and ensures good digestion of food. It is refreshing for tired feet, stimulates the senses, body skin. Digestive effect, normalizes the secretion of gastric juices and facilitates the digestion of food. It is antibacterial and antifungal, fight bacteria and other pathogens in the body. Has antiseptic, soothing and cleansing for the body. Respiratory decongestant and is a good remedy for the relief of rheumatic pain.

Remove light stains on clothes at home

Removing stains can sometimes be difficult but if you know some basic rules, you can get rid of them without much effort and without wasting considerable time. First you need to pay attention to the type of fabric that is stain, because cleaning method differs from one material to another, somehow behave material made ​​of natural fibers and synthetic fibers or one or mixture. Carefully clean fine fabrics, delicate. Rub the edges first and then to the center of the stain, repeat to fade. Very important is to clean the stain as soon as it is still fresh, the chances of success are higher. You can use various cleaning products namely: talcum powder, hydrogen peroxide, milk, acetone, salt, lemon salt and others. It is important to put a layer absorbent cleaning material: paper or other material (to be recommended as cotton).


Red wine stains 
Wipe the stain with a piece of cloth soaked in white wine or material you clean the water with glycerin for an hour, then wash thoroughly with plain water. Salt helps remove red wine stains, sprinkle thickly on the material and let it act. Also, a dry red wine stain wash with lemon salt and water, then rinse with warm water. Generally wine stains can be cleaned with a mixture of 50% water and 50% hydrogen peroxide, but before it is advisable to check the color fastness of the fabric on a piece of hem. 

Chocolate and cocoa stains 
If the stain is fresh you can use table salt, the effect is very good. Moisten fabric with water, sprinkle with fine salt, then rub with a little detergent and rinse with cold water. Cocoa stains can be cleaned with water and a pinch of fine salt glycerin. 

Egg white spots 
Wash water cleaning material possibly uses less ammonia diluted with water. 

If you have stained with butter, margarine or oil can use talcum powder. Sprinkle it on the stain and let it act 8:00, then brush thoroughly to remove powder. If the stain has not completely disappeared can use some acetone, but first you must check its effect on a piece of material from the hem to see color fastness. 

Coffee Stains 
Such stains can be cleaned with warm water and mild detergent. The glycerol may be removed and hot water, and finally apply hydrogen peroxide. Those who do not have such products in the home can use fine salt kitchen that helps her remove coffee stains. 

Spots berries 
Such stains are removed with ammonia, soda and laundry. Also helps ammonia mixed with hydrogen peroxide. Some stains simply clean with water. 

Blood Stains 
If fresh are removed with plenty of cold water. If dry is more difficult because the blood has already penetrated into the fabric fibers and thus stain resistance to washing. In this case you can use peroxide to remove blood easy enough fiber. Pour a little on the fabric stained (if cotton), leave to work for a few seconds and then wipe with a cotton cloth that has absorbent properties. This method is applied to the fabric of wool, silk or synthetic fibers. For delicate fabrics uses carbonated water that has the effect of dissolving the blood of the fibers. Also alcohol is great for dissolving blood stains. All of these products should be tested on a piece of material from the hem of the product, especially if any of the more expensive material. 

Mud stains 
Usually on rainy days can dirty pants in bottom mud splashes. To remove must let it dry and then rub vigorously inside surface of the fabric with a clothes brush. Finally you can rinse or dab the area with warm water and thus the product will remain perfectly clean.

Detox Diet for Summer

In the summer months, you can change your eating habits that you had before and that was an accumulation of fat that cause the increase in body weight and blood cholesterol levels. You can choose seasonal fruits and vegetables that are rich in trace elements and vitamins and have a beneficial effect on the body. Whether you are quite flexible and have a few extra pounds, the fact is that the body needs a detox diet to help cleanse and revitalize it. To this end, light coming diets, fruit and vegetables, which is tasty and also helps to hydrate the body.


Nutritionists recommend detox diets because some toxins accumulated in the body for a long time and so needed a few days to remove them and thus succeed person feel better. In general a body is loaded with too many toxins (and they are not removed effectively) get to suffer from certain health problems. Symptoms include fatigue, acne, cold extremities, digestive and intestinal disorders, stress, mood swings, irritability. 

The best diets are watermelon, cucumber and melon. They can be used by anyone, regardless of age. 
Persons wishing to detoxify the body can be prepared juices of these fruits (melon, watermelon, cucumber) in the mixture and the results will appear immediately. Also, combine cucumber with yogurt, which is also a very good food for the body. 

Yogurt is easier to digest than milk does not cause intestinal disorders has lactic acid bacteria which helps in proper functioning of intenstinului and maintain its health, detoxifying effect on the body, it helps to eliminate nitrites and nitrates (which are harmful to the body and can affect health). Nitrates can cause stomach cancer, gallbladder and lymphatic system. Also, yogurt increase immunity, helps the body to fight infections, stimulates the activity of white blood cells that are responsible for the immune system. White blood cells have particular physiological properties very important in defending the body against infections. They capture bacteria, dead cells and damaged and digest them intracellularly stop inflammatory reactions through detox (it is acidofilele are polynuclear leukocytes or white blood cells). White cells synthesize antibodies and thus provides immunity portejează body pathogens. Yogurt reduce vaginal infections by fighting bacteria, is a source of calcium (more than milk represents) has more protein and helps to lower blood cholesterol levels. 

Cucumber in combination with yogurt has a strong cleansing effect of the body. To achieve this recipe is porcedează: peel a cucumber and cut into thin slices, then wash with water a little dill and parsley connection; place the chopped ingredients in a blender and ground, add 250 ml natural yogurt with low fat and thus obtain a composition delicious diet that can be served immediately. The effect of the medication natural detoxification of the body is very strong, it serves for 4-5 days. Those who fail to eat only cucumber and yogurt and feeling hungry, can also serve fish cooked meat, cottage cheese 2-3 green apples a day. 

Cantaloupe is very good for bowel cleansing, laxative effect helps to decrease the weight and fight obesity. If you are prepared juice melon pulp can be combined with tomato juice or apple proprorţii of 1:1:2, so the taste and the effect will be better. Melon improving mood, fatigue deleted, is a source of vitamins (B1, B2, C, PP, folic acid, carotene), phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, silicon, iron, potassium, etc.. 

Watermelon is refreshing body cleanser, easily digested, relieves fatigue, moisturize (it has 90% water), covered the loss of minerals from the body by sweating process which intensifies the heat of summer. 

Plain water also has an important role in detoxifying the body. It helps remove toxins and waste from the body, so it is necessary to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day.

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