sâmbătă, 2 august 2014

Remove light stains on clothes at home

Removing stains can sometimes be difficult but if you know some basic rules, you can get rid of them without much effort and without wasting considerable time. First you need to pay attention to the type of fabric that is stain, because cleaning method differs from one material to another, somehow behave material made ​​of natural fibers and synthetic fibers or one or mixture. Carefully clean fine fabrics, delicate. Rub the edges first and then to the center of the stain, repeat to fade. Very important is to clean the stain as soon as it is still fresh, the chances of success are higher. You can use various cleaning products namely: talcum powder, hydrogen peroxide, milk, acetone, salt, lemon salt and others. It is important to put a layer absorbent cleaning material: paper or other material (to be recommended as cotton).


Red wine stains 
Wipe the stain with a piece of cloth soaked in white wine or material you clean the water with glycerin for an hour, then wash thoroughly with plain water. Salt helps remove red wine stains, sprinkle thickly on the material and let it act. Also, a dry red wine stain wash with lemon salt and water, then rinse with warm water. Generally wine stains can be cleaned with a mixture of 50% water and 50% hydrogen peroxide, but before it is advisable to check the color fastness of the fabric on a piece of hem. 

Chocolate and cocoa stains 
If the stain is fresh you can use table salt, the effect is very good. Moisten fabric with water, sprinkle with fine salt, then rub with a little detergent and rinse with cold water. Cocoa stains can be cleaned with water and a pinch of fine salt glycerin. 

Egg white spots 
Wash water cleaning material possibly uses less ammonia diluted with water. 

If you have stained with butter, margarine or oil can use talcum powder. Sprinkle it on the stain and let it act 8:00, then brush thoroughly to remove powder. If the stain has not completely disappeared can use some acetone, but first you must check its effect on a piece of material from the hem to see color fastness. 

Coffee Stains 
Such stains can be cleaned with warm water and mild detergent. The glycerol may be removed and hot water, and finally apply hydrogen peroxide. Those who do not have such products in the home can use fine salt kitchen that helps her remove coffee stains. 

Spots berries 
Such stains are removed with ammonia, soda and laundry. Also helps ammonia mixed with hydrogen peroxide. Some stains simply clean with water. 

Blood Stains 
If fresh are removed with plenty of cold water. If dry is more difficult because the blood has already penetrated into the fabric fibers and thus stain resistance to washing. In this case you can use peroxide to remove blood easy enough fiber. Pour a little on the fabric stained (if cotton), leave to work for a few seconds and then wipe with a cotton cloth that has absorbent properties. This method is applied to the fabric of wool, silk or synthetic fibers. For delicate fabrics uses carbonated water that has the effect of dissolving the blood of the fibers. Also alcohol is great for dissolving blood stains. All of these products should be tested on a piece of material from the hem of the product, especially if any of the more expensive material. 

Mud stains 
Usually on rainy days can dirty pants in bottom mud splashes. To remove must let it dry and then rub vigorously inside surface of the fabric with a clothes brush. Finally you can rinse or dab the area with warm water and thus the product will remain perfectly clean.

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