miercuri, 2 iulie 2014

Discover seemingly harmless habits that can harm health

Discover seemingly harmless habits that can harm health.People already know that it's better to be sedentary, to smoke, to drink more alcohol, eat too much fast food and more ... but there are other unhealthy habits. Each of us had some habits that seem harmless though apparently they can damage our health.

What unhealthy habits and how to get rid of them? 
You wont eat too fast?
Yes, certainly many people do this and it is very bad because when you swallow food quickly cause gastric reflux, bloating and flatulence can suffer. Nutrition experts say that the feeling of fullness occurs about 15 minutes after starting to eat and swallow food quickly so if you get to eat in excess and thus gain weight. To avoid these problems it is advisable to eat slowly, chew more to each bite and to have lunch in a pleasant, quiet.

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No daily room vent? 
If you're always in a hurry and forget to ventilate the room where you spend most of the time you reach certain health problems. In an unventilated room can accumulate chemical pollutants (such as those from cleaning products), cigarette smoke, dust, humidity and more. All this can lead to the development of respiratory tract irritation, headaches, allergies, asthma, dizziness, fatigue and skin problems. Indicated would be better in the morning to vent the room for 15-20 minutes.

Forgetting to brush your teeth tonight? 
There are people who forget to brush your teeth tonight or are too lazy to do so. In this way they make their own bad simply allow bacteria from the mouth to attack the teeth until the next morning when they finally wash teeth. This unhealthy habit soon get to develop plaque, caries, periodontitis, gingivitis, have bad breath. Dentists recommend brushing your teeth every night after dinner or before bedtime (for those who have a habit of nibbling on many cava May in front of the TV).
You wont bite your nails?

Many people suffer from stress and so because these states tend to unpleasant and fruit nails. Experts say that this gesture is done unconsciously, in the desire to give the brain something to do, the trick and relieve stress. What happens when you bite your nails? First transporting germs on hands in the mouth and thus no wonder that you get sick. Often such people are cooling slightly, make hepatitis A, intestinal infections or intestinal worms. If you have this habit and you can not wean easy, you try wearing a nail file to get your nails pili when you feel the urge to bite them. Gradually you will get rid of this unhealthy habit.
Often sit cross-legged?

Although an elegant position is not healthy. This usually hampered blood circulation in your legs and can make it easier varices. Try to avoid such a position and keep your feet flat on the floor next to each other when you sit in the chair. In this way you get to keep your feet healthy, do not affect your blood flow in them.

Stay long the computer and do not break? 

Those who work at the computer and do not get regular breaks gradually suffer from disorders. These include myopia, hyperopia and many others that are due to eye fatigue. Such fatigue occurs when you sit at the computer or reading much more on your monitor suprasolicitandu view. To prevent such afcetiuni eye is indicated as 40 minutes of visual concentration the computer to take a break for five minutes, during which to look out the window to stay on the air at the window.

The role that water plays in our health

The role that water plays in our health . 

Water, the most important factor of life on Earth, it is important for our health than we can imagine. A balanced intake of water and a healthy lifestyle ensure health.
Under normal conditions, an adult metabolizes 2.5 to 3 liters of water per day. At least, he should be, because this is the difference between water needed in the body and what is lost in the dezasimilare. Thirst aims to let us body water deficit.

How much water did you drink today? If you have not reached 2 liters, fill a glass with water and drink it in small sips, even if not thirsty. Why is this urge that we all hear worth taking into account:
The adult human body contains about 70% water. As we age this percentage shrinks. If it reaches the level of 50%, no man survives. Daily dose of water is calculated chance, but just to hydrate properly tissues such 2l of water per day or 5% of body weight are indicated.

Body with the greatest amount of water is the brain, around 90%. When you do not drink enough water, neurotransmitters can not function normally, the headaches and fatigue, memory and attention. Also thickened blood can trigger a heart attack or stroke.
Without water, all tissues are dehydrated, you experience pain localized in different organs, take medicines trying to cure problems that are based on lack of water. After a while, your body will do what can, with a little water, but at the cost of aging or premature wear.

Cartilage also have a high percentage of water. When crackle, is most likely due to dehydration. Bones and joints do not need painkillers, but by water, one of the fiercest opponents of pain.
In summer, the Corps is more difficult to regulate their amount of water due to inevitable losses through sweat. In hot weather, you need a higher intake of water than usual.
The healing power of water extends to many diseases. Eliminate constipation and bowel irritation amelioareaza reduce the incidence of kidney disease, allergies and illnesses wear gout, rheumatism, vascular disease. Gastritis pain and burns should be treated with extra water. Relieves cough, asthma, liver disease, diarrhea, all eye diseases.

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If you want to fully benefit from the miraculous effects of water, follow the following care: morning, an hour before eating, drink a glass of water. After a few days increase the amount up to one liter. During the day you will feel much better guaranteed, and the body will get rid of the worst toxins. According to studies done by the Japanese, the 5 diseases that are cured thanks to this therapy are gastritis, diabetes, constipation, cancer and tuberculosis. Use natural water, spring or, mineral water is not indicated.

Water fulfills different functions in the organism:
Water is the solvent for all chemical processes that occur in the body.
Water circulates in the body through the blood, secretions and tissue fluids, making the transport of nutrients, secretion, metabolic and other materials, according to the needs of the tissues.
Ensure water saturation of tissue, distension or degree of rigidity of the cell, thus determining the morphological characteristic of the body.


Through its circulation in the body, water tends to equalize the temperature. Dermal water loss, sweating and perspiration insensible, is caused by high temperature and is designed to reduce the temperature of the body surface. Thus, through movement, the temperature will drop throughout the body.
Water fulfills the role of lubricant to ensure staff mobility structures - for example, joint fluids.

Drinking water helps eliminate pounds: if you choose to drink a glass of water instead of sodas, calorie intake will be much lower and you can lose weight easier. People who drink a glass of water before a meal eat less and lose weight faster.

Black Pearls - the jewels of the sea

Black Pearls - the jewels of the sea . Manihiki atoll found parked at the edge of the earth, is one of 15 islands called the Cook Islands, which are located at 2600 km northeast of New Zealand. According to sources, in the early 70s, this research began to produce cultured pearls. Currently, there are numerous lagoons of Manihiki black pearl farms greatly appreciated.

Black pearl cultivation means hard work, and skill. The first step is careful sorting black mussels. After open easily, carefully make an incision in their body with a scalpel. Enter, for example, a bobita pearl, and a piece of mantle tissue from another oyster alive. After that, workers go back to the lagoon shells; They take care to keep them alive removing algae or barnacles around them.

Slowly, implanted mantle tissue "wraps" the foreign body and dress with many layers of nacre - a shiny substance. If the shell does not reject the implant in a year and a half or two is born a pearl. The whole process is an extraordinary symbiosis between man and nature.


How much is black pearls? 

Black pearls of the South Pacific are some of the rarest pearls and therefore some of the most precious. They are "clad" in a wide range of bright colors, from silvery white to a pitch-black. There are pink pearls, gold, copper-colored, blue, violet, blackish green strident or various shades of bright gray, and combinations of pink and purple, green and gold, green and black, blue and black purple and black.

The value of a pearl is not necessarily determined by its color. What makes it truly valuable is the uniformity of color. There are other criteria by which one can evaluate a pearl: size, shape, surface and luster.
When talking about the size of pearl jeweler, he refers to its diameter. The beads typically have a diameter of 8-12 mm, 18 mm and sometimes more. Although size is not the most important criterion for evaluating the price of the pearl is, in general, as the weight or size of them.

Forms like colors, are very different. They are particularly valuable pearls round or spherical. But the tear-shaped pearls can be transformed into beautiful pendants and earrings. Pearls-ring, which rings or grooves around them, pearls-button, with a side flat and one curved, baroque pearls that have an irregular shape, and they delight the eyes.

Black beads perfectly smooth surface are rare and expensive. Usually black pearls are born with dimples, bumps, creases, scratches or stains. If fewer defects or only in one place, they can be masked by the skilful hands of the jeweler.

The eyes are usually attracted to pearl luster. In fact, the nacre layer is thicker, the Negrelos Perper is brighter. Another evaluation criterion are pearl iridescence, or what occurs after the reflection of light from its surface. It gives attractive pearl charm. Some believe that pearl luster - more than color, size, shape or surface - the delight of onlookers.

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Care :
Unlike other gemstones, such as diamonds or rubies, black pearls have a special delicacy. In contact with other jewelry or hard objects, they can scratch. Take care of them when you wear them or put them in black pastrat.Perle

Acids, even those of human sweat, they can damage. Attention and detergents, perfumes and other cosmetics! Make a solution of water and mild soap in a small bowl. Stir with a soft bristle toothbrush and gently rub the jewelry. Rinse with cold water and wipe it with a soft cloth.
Pearls in the flow of time

Pearls are among the first objects of adornment, being sung in their works of ancient writers. People in the Middle East and Asia we value greatly, considering them a symbol of purity and virtue.
In ancient Rome, pearls were so appreciated, that only the nobles were allowed to wear them. Pliny the Elder, naturalist and philosopher of the century, has praised the pearls describing them as "first among all things price". So when you see be able to buy these gems do not hesitate to do so.
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